West University of Timișoara (UVT) is aware that its mission is to reflect not only on higher education, but on society as a whole and the education system as a whole. We know that in order to have good students, we must make sure that students, future students, benefit from the necessary conditions for training.
Thus, UVT has been and is permanently concerned to support not only its students, but also future students, providing them with various opportunities for professional and personal development.
Therefore, since January 2021, UVT representatives meet weekly with students in the last year of high school, at preparation sessions for the baccalaureate exam, but also monthly, within webinars organized by the Career Counseling and Guidance Center within the university, also offering and career counseling services for them permanently.
Now when XNUMXth grade students they only have a few steps left to become students, we know that it is all the more important to be with them and support them so that they can successfully overcome the challenges that lie ahead for them and make decisions for the future. their being as well informed as possible opportunities they have.
Baccalaureate exam preparation sessions
Until June 12 2021, we look forward to online sessions of preparation for the baccalaureate exam from each Saturday all students in Romania who want to deepen the subject for the upcoming exam, but also to get in touch with teachers from our university. We organize free training sessions for all SUBJECTS where the written test is taken during the baccalaureate exam, and the program is structured so that each student can participate in the sessions for all 3 disciplines at which he prepares to take the exam. All information about the training sessions is available HERE, and students can enroll through TO THIS FORM.
Webinars for students
For a successful career, theoretical training is not enough, so UVT attaches great importance personal development and training of transversal competences. Webinar program for students organized by the team Career Counseling and Guidance Center from UVT addresses topics of interest to future students, adapted to the specific needs of the stages of their lives, helping them to face the challenges they face in everyday life. So far, seven such events have been organized for students this academic year, discussing topics such as self-knowledge, self-esteem, decision-making or the development of learning skills, and until July, related to the admission process, three more are coming.
So, on 27th May 2021, the webinar organized for students will have as its theme time management, aiming to support students to effectively manage their learning time on June 10 2021, the team CCOC-UVT will discuss with students about effective stress management before the baccalaureate exam, and during the last webinar for students of this academic year, on July 5 2021, those still undecided will learn how to choose the right study program according to the career they want.
All details about the following webinars for students will be available soon on UVT website, in section Events for students. The participation of students from all over the country in all events of this type organized by UVT is free.
YTM platform, individual counseling for students and information about the admission process
Beyond training programs and specific events, UVT also provides permanent individual career counseling services to students across the country, free of charge..
YTM platform is a psycho-vocational testing platform developed by West University of Timişoara, addressed to students from all over the country, through which they can analyze interests, abilities and skills, by completing specific tests, in order to focus on a particular educational and professional route. Thus, following the testing, the YTM platform generates personalized reports through which it provides the beneficiaries with information regarding the study programs of the universities in Timișoara that best suit their profile.
Students who, after completing the tests, need clarification about the results offered by the platform and the appropriate educational path for them, have the opportunity to schedule a individual counseling session (what can be done online, lasting about 50 minutes) with counselors within Career Counseling and Guidance Center from UVT, completing THIS FORM. During the counseling session, students will receive additional information about potential career paths and support in choosing an appropriate university curriculum.
Also, UVT provides all candidates for university studies with the most complex portal with information about the admission process - https://admitere.uvt.ro/, updated with details about each university study program within UVT, but also about the facilities that UVT offers to its students, providing at a click away all the data that a person interested in becoming a student at UVT needs.
Through this integrated package of services and support programs for students, the West University of Timisoara (UVT) aims to support young people across the country to make responsible and informed decisions about their future careers, but also to contribute to their development. even before the start of university studies, in order to successfully face the challenges they will encounter during their evolution, becoming, through each stage, a better version of them. And then, once they become our students, we will make sure that the slogan #BecomeYourBest in the West becomes a reality and every young person will properly capitalize on their potential!
Preparing for the baccalaureate exam with our fellow university teachers, learning to manage their emotions and make decisions correctly with our colleagues at the Career Counseling and Guidance Center, testing their skills and interests and informing is about the university study programs that suit them, we offer students all the chances for developing a successful career!