Description of the exam test (s)

(1) Admiterea la studiile universitare de licență la Facultatea de Fizică, indiferent de forma de învățământ la care sunt organizate, se face prin concurs, pe baza probelor stabilite prin Regulamentul Facultății de Fizică privind organizarea și desfășurarea procesului de admitere pentru programele de studii universitare de la ciclul de studii de licență, în vederea evaluării competențelor.

The competition will have two components: a language and reasoning skills assessment test and the results of the baccalaureate exam.

(2) The technical and organizational details for taking the language skills and reasoning test will be described in a separate procedure.

(3) The UVT Test of Language and Reasoning Skills will contain 45 items, each worth 0,2 points, with 1 point awarded ex officio.

(4) The working time for solving the UVT test for assessing language skills and reasoning will be 45 minutes.

(5) The minimum pass mark for the UVT test for assessing language skills and reasoning will be 5,00.

(6) The procedure regarding the organization and conduct of the UVT Test for the evaluation of linguistic and reasoning skills within the admission process to UVT's bachelor's degree programs is annexed to the regulation at the UVT level, and it regulates all the necessary technical and organizational details (method of preparation of subjects, proof support, etc.)

Details regarding the admission steps

    (1) The minimum overall grade point average for admission to undergraduate university study programs organized by UVT cannot be lower than 6,00 (six), provided that none of the grades obtained in the competition tests is lower than 5,00, XNUMX (five).
    (2) The general admission average is calculated to two decimal places, without rounding, according to the following formula:


    unde T reprezintă nota la testul de evaluare a competențelor lingvistice și de raționament, iar N=Max(B;P) – valoarea maximă dintre media generală obținută la examenul de Bacalaureat B, sau una din notele la probele de bacalaureat P cu relevanță pentru Facultatea de Fizică, la alegerea candidatului (fizică, matematică, chimie, biologie, informatică). Pentru situațiile prevăzute la art. 15 din Regulamentul Facultății de Fizică privind organizarea și desfășurarea procesului de admitere pentru programele de studii universitare de la ciclul de studii de licență, media se calculează cu formula M=0,5×T+5.
    (3) Candidates are ranked in descending order of averages obtained at the admission test and within the limits of approved places for each university study program.
    (4) The general average or the general scores obtained by candidates in the admission competition are valid for establishing the ranking only within the Faculty of Physics, according to this regulation.
    (5) The ranking resulting from the admissions competition will also be used for the allocation of places financed from the state budget, these going to the best-ranked eligible candidates, for each bachelor's degree program.
    (6) In the case of equality of two or more candidates who have an average equal to that of the last place allocated both to the places financed from the state budget and to the places with a fee, without exceeding the maximum established tuition capacity, the tie-breaking will be done according to the grade obtained by the candidates in the baccalaureate exam with relevance for the Faculty of Physics, in this order: physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology or computer science.
    (7) Pentru cetățenii români de pretutindeni media de admitere constă în media generală obținută la examenul de bacalaureat sau una din notele la probele de bacalaureat cu relevanță pentru Facultatea de Fizică, la alegerea candidatului (fizică, matematică, chimie, biologie, informatică), iar criteriile de departajare fiind cele prevăzute în articolul 16, alin. (6) din Regulamentul Facultății de Fizică privind organizarea și desfășurarea procesului de admitere pentru programele de studii universitare de la ciclul de studii de licență.

    (1) Candidates who obtained distinctions (XNUMXst, XNUMXnd, XNUMXrd prizes) at international school olympiads recognized by the Ministry of Education and/or XNUMXst prize at national olympiads, financed by the Ministry of Education, benefit from the right to enroll in the programs during their high school studies of undergraduate university studies of UVT without supporting the admission competition, on places financed from the state budget.
    (2) Participanții la Concursul Național de Fizică „Constantin Sălceanu” care obțin minimum 60% din punctajul probelor de concurs pot beneficia de echivalarea punctajului obținut cu valoarea N=10 din formula de calcul de la articolul 16, alin. (2) din Regulamentul Facultății de Fizică privind organizarea și desfășurarea procesului de admitere pentru programele de studii universitare de la ciclul de studii de licență.
    (3) Candidații care au obținut premii la concursuri naționale, regionale (pe grupe de țări), precum și deținătorii Diplomelor de Merit acordate de către Facultatea de Fizică în care se specifică faptul că deținătorii beneficiază de avantaje la examenul de admitere, vor fi echivalați în cadrul concursului de admitere cu N=10 din formula de calcul de la articolul 16, alin. (2) din Regulamentul Facultății de Fizică privind organizarea și desfășurarea procesului de admitere pentru programele de studii universitare de la ciclul de studii de licență.

List of required documents

(1) The documents required for the enrollment file for the undergraduate degree programs within the Faculty of Physics are the following:

  1. ID card;
  2. Birth certificate;
  3. Marriage certificate - if appropriate;
  4. Baccalaureate diploma or equivalent;

Candidates who passed the baccalaureate exam in the sessions corresponding to the 2023-2024 school year can upload to the admission platform and present at the collection points the documents necessary for the admission process from the UVT offices and from the county admission centers organized by the UVT, for the admission session immediately following the session in which they passed the baccalaureate exam, instead of the baccalaureate diploma, the certificate issued by the pre-university education unit in the original or a legalized copy, which mentions the general average from the baccalaureate exam, the grades obtained in the tests taken at this exam, the validity period and the fact that the diploma has not been issued.

5. Medical certificate issued by the family doctor, not older than 90 days from the date of its presentation at the document collection office, attesting whether the candidate is fit to enroll in university studies and, if applicable, , chronic conditions from which the candidate suffers (neuropsychiatric, psycho-pathological, pulmonary, dermato-venereal, disability (type, degree), etc.). Specific learning disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, etc.) or any special educational requirements will be attested by a diagnostic certificate;

6. Certificate certifying completion of another undergraduate university study program (completed or not at the time of submitting the file), in which the funding regime in which each year of studies was completed (with funding from the state budget/ with fee, if it is/was carried out at a state higher education institution in Romania) and, if applicable, the years and semesters of studies in which the student benefited from the scholarship, respectively its type - if appropriate.

(2) Candidates who are Romanian citizens or from member states of the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation, as well as British citizens and their family members, as beneficiaries of Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community 2019/C 384 I/01, who completed their high school studies outside of Romania, must present, in addition to the above documents, the equivalency/recognition document issued by National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED). In the case of the recognition documents issued online by the specialized departments within the Ministry of Education, they are uploaded in electronic format on the admission platform by the candidate, within the term established for registration by the own regulation regarding the organization and conduct of the admission process at the level of each faculties, and does not require certification according to the original by UVT operators. The necessary documents and the procedure for equating studies conducted outside Romania are mentioned in Annex 1 of this regulation.

(3) In order to be admitted to the undergraduate study programs with teaching in Romanian, foreign citizens who do not present study certificates issued by educational units / institutions in Romania or abroad, with teaching in Romanian, have the obligation to present a certificate of competence linguistics for the Romanian language issued by institutions authorized by the Ministry of Education.

(4) Documentele necesare pentru candidații care aplică pentru locuri destinate cetățenilor români de pretutindeni sunt menționate în Anexa 2 a Regulamentului Facultății de Fizică privind organizarea și desfășurarea procesului de admitere pentru programele de studii universitare de la ciclul de studii de licență.

(5) Candidații eligibili pentru a fi scutiți de taxa de înscriere, conform articolului 21 al regulamentului antemenționat, vor încărca pe platforma de admitere și documentele justificative pentru categoria în care se încadrează.

(6) Candidates with outstanding results at national or international Olympics and competitions can upload the relevant supporting documents on the admission platform.

Admission process calendar
  • Registration period

    until July 21, 2024, 20:00 p.m

  • Date of display of preliminary results

    July 22, 2024, 13:00 a.m

  • Date of the admission test (s) (day, hour)

    23 July 2024 – Language and reasoning skills assessment test – between 10:00 and 10:45

  • Deadline for certification of documents according to the original - July

    July 23, 2024, 18:00 a.m

  • Date of results listing

    July 24, 2024, 09:00 a.m

  • Filing appeals period

    July 24, 2024, 09:00 - July 25, 2024, 09:00

  • Date of display of results after appeals

    July 25, 2024, 12:00 a.m

  • Seats confirmation period

    25 July 2024, 12:00 – 27 July 2024, 12:00

  • Listing results after confirmations

    July 27, 2024, 13:00 a.m

  • Seats confirmation period (second stage of confirmations)

    27 July 2024, 13:00 – 28 July 2024, 13:00

  • Date of display of results after confirmations (second stage of confirmations)

    July 28, 2024, 15:00 a.m

  • Final results listing

    July 28, 2024, 16:00 a.m

Schedule of the admission process for the September session (valid if seats remain available after the first admission session)
  • September registration period

    until September 08, 2024, at 20:00

  • Date of posting of candidates registered in September

    September 09, 2024, 10:00 p.m.

  • Date of the language proficiency test

    September 12, 2022, 11:00 p.m.

  • Date of taking the admission test (s) September

    10 September 2024 – Language and reasoning skills assessment test – between 10:00 and 10:45

  • Deadline for certification of documents according to the original - September

    September 10, 2024, 16:00 p.m.

  • September results listing

    September 11, 2024, 10:00 p.m.

  • Appeals period

    September 11, 2024, 10:00 - September 12, 2024, 10:00

  • Display of results after September appeals

    September 12, 2024, 12:00 p.m.

  • September place confirmation period

    September 12, 2024, 12:00 – September 14, 2024, 12:00

  • Listing results after confirmations

    September 14, 2024, 14:00 p.m.

  • Seats confirmation period (second stage of confirmations) September

    September 14, 2024, 14:00 PM - September 15, 2024, 14:00 AM

  • Date of display of results after confirmations (second stage of confirmations) September

    September 15, 2024, 15:00 p.m.

  • September final results listing

    September 15, 2024, 16:00 p.m.