In 2024, the registration for the admission process at the West University of Timișoara (UVT) takes place online. Candidates can create an account on digital admission platform -, where they will fill in their personal data, upload all the necessary supporting documents, pay the registration fee and, subsequently, confirm their place and pay the registration fee.
The user guide for the online admission platform is available HERE, containing complete information about creating an account, opening, completing and submitting files, but also about confirming the places obtained following the admission process (the English version of the guide can be accessed HERE).
Until the first part of July 2024, candidates will be able to complete information and upload documents on the registration platform, even if they have not yet taken and completed the baccalaureate / graduation exam, and information about the results of this exam will be completed after the final results are displayed.
For the admission session in July 2024, for the cycle of university studies of license, the registration period will end after the baccalaureate diplomas will be issued for the promotion that will take the exam this year.
The deadlines by which registration can be made are set out in the calendars contained in the regulations of each UVT faculty for the organization and development of the admission process to university studies and displayed on the page of each study program on this platform.
Candidates will identify on the admission platform the UVT faculties and, within them, several admission sessions, dedicated to certain programs / fields of university studies or to certain categories of candidates. Each candidate will be able to submit electronic "files" of admission in several electronic admission sessions open on the digital platform, depending on the university study programs he is interested in. During the same admission session, a candidate will be able to submit a maximum of two "files", only if he wants to follow in parallel two university study programs included in the same electronic session on the admission platform.
A candidate can be admitted or can go through a single university study program funded from the state budget to the same cycle of university studies and can go through a maximum of two university study programs in parallel. In a submitted file, the candidate can select several options of university study programs or types of places he / she is interested in, carried out within the same faculty.
Choosing options is perhaps the most important activity in the registration process for admission to university studies.. By one option we mean choosing a university degree program along with a type of place. The places can be financed from the state budget or can be paid. We recommend that you choose as well fee-based place options, in addition to those financed from the state budget, to ensure that you will be assigned to one of the places. Thus, we urge you to carefully select your options! The creation of the rankings will be done according to the order of your options on study programs and types of places. If you will also not select options for paid places, you will not be distributed in these places if you are not eligible for a place financed from the state budget, staying out of the standings. More information about the option selection process, HERE.
Candidates who have already followed the first year on a seats financed from the state budget to another university study program within the same cycle of university studies (bachelor's / master's degree), regardless of whether or not they have graduated (from Romania), will be able to apply only for paid positions/seats.
On the digital admission platform, candidates will also be able to choose to apply for places dedicated to distinct categories of candidates, by checking the appropriate options in the registration form: roma candidates (In case of selection of the "Roma" ethnic group, the candidates will be able to express their intention to apply for the places specially dedicated to this category), candidates from the social protection system/placement centers (after selecting the special social situation in which they fall, the candidates will be able to express their intention to apply for the places specially dedicated to this category), candidates with special educational needs / disabilities (in the case of ticking in the registration form for membership in this category, candidates will be able to express their intention to apply for the places specifically dedicated to them), rural high school graduates (if the candidates have graduated from a rural high school, they will be able to express their intention to apply for the places specially dedicated to this category) or Romanian candidates from everywhere (for this category of candidates there are separate admission sessions).
The online registration process will be completed after paying the registration fee or after uploading on the admission platform the supporting documents for the registration fee exemption (which must be validated, later, by the admission commission at the faculty level), by pressing the "Finish and submit" button, positioned on the folder page in the lower right corner. The registration fee can be paid until the registration deadline set by the timetable set out in the regulations of each UVT faculty for the organization and development of the admission process to university studies and displayed on the page of each study program on this platform. All fees related to the admission process will be paid online by card payment, through the existing payment module on the UVT online admission platform. More details about the fees related to the admission process, HERE.
After the end of the registration period, the options, their order, as well as other information in the registration form cannot be changed.
Status | Explanation |
Unchecked | The file has not yet been registered, and it can still be completed with information / documents. |
Joined | The file is registered, and it can be checked by the admission committee. |
invalid | The file has been checked by the admission committee and changes / additions are required. |
Validated uncertified | The file has been checked by the admission committee, it is correct and complete, but the documents have not yet been certified (scanned at the admission centers). |
Validated | The file has been checked by the admission committee, it is correct and complete, and the documents have been certified (scanned at the admission centers). |
admis | The file was admitted following the generation of the ranking. |
Waiting | The file was not admitted following the generation of the ranking from a certain stage, but there is a chance that it will be admitted at a later stage (ie, at a resumption of the ranking after the rejection of those who did not pay the confirmation). |
rejected | The file was rejected (either because it is incomplete/ineligible, or because the documents were not certified within the set deadline). |
matriculate | The file was admitted and the place was confirmed. The candidate is registered. |
Retired | The file was withdrawn after it was registered. |
Unregistered Withdrawal | The file was withdrawn by the candidate without being registered. |
In all UVT undergraduate programs, the admission process involves taking an entrance exam., either for testing knowledge / skills related to the chosen field of study and cognitive abilities, or of the type of a test of assessment of language skills and reasoning. More details about the admission process for each undergraduate program can be found at their related pages from this platform.
Candidates must submit all documents required for the admission process, in accordance with the regulations on the organization and conduct of the admission process developed by the UVT faculties, in original or certified copy, at least one day before the date of posting the lists of admitted candidates. , according to the calendar established by the regulations of the UVT faculties regarding the organization and development of the admission process, at the points of taking over the admission documents from the UVT headquarters or from the county admission centers organized by UVT, for scanning and certifying them according to the original by UVT operators. Candidates who do not comply with this provision will not be included in the ranking of the admission process.
All declared candidates admitted to West University of Timișoara (UVT) following an admission session will confirm the seat, within the deadline specified by the calendar established by the regulation for organizing and conducting the admission process to university studies for each faculty, on the online admission platform, logging into your own account, viewing the file that was declared admitted, selecting the "Pay" button from the right to the registration fee and by paying this fee online, using a bank card. Exempt candidates to pay the registration fee (confirmation), after selecting the "Pay" button next to the registration fee, you must select the "Tax exemption" option and upload supporting documents for the tax exemption (the list of types of candidates exempt from paying the registration fee is available HERE).
Candidates who DO NOT confirm the place obtained by payment of registration fee (confirmation) within the term established by the regulation for the organization and development of the admission process to the university studies afferent to each faculty will be declared rejected.
If following the admission process the candidate occupies a place financed from the state budget, he will have to hand in, at the latest in the period of confirmation of the place provided in the calendar established by the regulation for the organization and development of the admission process to university studies for each faculty, the baccalaureate diploma, respectively the diploma for completing the undergraduate studies (or equivalent certificate, if the diploma has not been issued) in original, at the UVT headquarters or at one of the admission centers in the country.
Candidates admitted on a place financed from the state budget which I do NOT submit the UVT diploma/ baccalaureate certificate / license in original until the end of the confirmation period, according to the term established by the regulation for the organization and development of the admission process to the university studies afferent to each faculty, will be transfer to a place with a fee.
If following the admission process the candidate occupies a seat for a fee, it will pay, in addition to the registration fee, and 30% of the value of the annual tuition fee, no later than July 31 2024, for the admission session in July and at the latest on 17 September 2024 for the September admission session, by online card payment on the online admission platform.
Candidates admitted on one spot with fee which DO NOT pay within the set time limit and 30% from the amount of the annual tuition fee will be declared rejected.
In order to support the candidates, West University of Timișoara will organize more admission centers, both at the UVT headquarters in Timișoara and in several county seat municipalities in the regions of the main selection pool of UVT students. Information about the locations and schedule of county centers, HERE.
La the headquarters of the West University of Timișoara (4 Vasile Pârvan Blvd., Timișoara, postal code 300223, Timiș County, Romania) or at county admission centers, in full conditions of safety and hygiene, obeying all the public health regulations, candidates will be able to fill in the registration form on the digital admission platform, with the support of UVT operators, will be able to certify the documents in accordance with the original necessary for the admission process, presenting their originals, by scanning them by a UVT operator, and those who want to occupy a place financed from the state budget will be able to teaches to UVT representatives the baccalaureate diploma / diploma of completion of undergraduate studies (or equivalent certificate) in original.
La the headquarters of the West University of Timișoara (4 Vasile Pârvan Blvd., Timișoara, postal code 300223, Timiș County, Romania) and at UVT faculties headquarters will be open registration and handover points în July 1-28, 2024or September 4-15, 2024, according to the available schedule HERE.