West University of Timișoara (UVT) appreciates the students who have achieved outstanding results in various national and international competitions and Olympics during high school and has prepared special admission conditions and benefit packages for those who choose to pursue university studies at UVT, as follows:
- students who obtained distinctions during their high school studies (prizes I, II, III) the international school olympiads recognized by the Ministry of Education and/or first prize at national olympiads, financed by the Ministry of Education - they benefit from the right to enroll in the university degree programs of UVT without supporting the admission competition, on places financed from the state budget;
- students who obtained distinctions during high school school Olympics and / or other national or international competitions - they are free to enroll in the admission process and will be admitted based on the special conditions regarding admission established by the regulations of each faculty;
- students who have the status of heads of promotion from the partner high schools UVT or who have obtained average 10 at the baccalaureate exam (based on the invitation letter signed by the rector of the university, a letter that must accompany the candidate's file) - they benefit from free enrollment in the admission process and can benefit from the right to register, without the admission competition, to the state budget, to bachelor's degree programs from any UVT faculty, if it falls within the provisions of the previous sub-point.
Starting in May, the rector of UVT sends a letter of invitation to the Western University of Timișoara to those students with outstanding academic results during their high school studies, based on which they can access the benefits below. If you fall into this category, wish to become a student of UVT and have not yet received this letter, please send us an e-mail at admitere@e-uvt.ro, in which you tell us about your successes so far.
We look forward to seeing you at UVT! ☺