Description of the exam test (s)

(a) The entrance exam to the undergraduate university study cycle for the programs offered by FEAA consists of a mandatory written test of the type of language and reasoning skills evaluation test.

(B) The UVT Test of Language and Reasoning Skills will contain 45 items, each worth 0,2 points, with 1 point awarded ex officio.

(C) The working time for solving the language and reasoning skills assessment test will be 40 minutes.

(D) The minimum passing grade of the UVT language and reasoning skills test is 5,00.

(E) The technical and organizational details for taking the language and reasoning skills assessment test can be found in The procedure regarding the organization and conduct of the UVT Test for the evaluation of linguistic and reasoning skills within the admission process to UVT's bachelor's degree programs, annex 5 to the UVT Regulation regarding the organization and conduct of the admission process for undergraduate study programs.

For undergraduate programs organized in a foreign language, namely Accounting and Management Informatics (in German), Banking Finance (in English), Management (in French), the admission process contains a test of language proficiency which will follow the verification of the general knowledge of communication in the respective language, eliminatory, conducted online, with the help of electronic means that ensure direct audio and video communication with the candidate in the admission process, marked with admitted / rejected. Holding internationally recognized diplomas / certificates, such as:
CAE - Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English,
IELTS - International English Language Testing System,
TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language
DALF - Advanced Diploma in the French Language
Deutsches Sprachdiplom. Zweite Stufe
Goethe-Certificate B2, Goethe-Certificate C1
Goethe-Certificat C2: Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom (GDS)
DaF test
telc Deutsch B2, telc Deutsch C1
ÖSD Certificate B2, C1, C2
is equivalent to taking and passing the language skills test for candidates enrolled in foreign language study programs. Candidates from countries with English, German or French as official languages ​​or those who attended a high school with English, German or French as the language of instruction are considered to have passed admission for the specialization in that language.

Details regarding the admission steps

    (1) The minimum general average for admission to undergraduate university study programs organized by UVT cannot be lower than 6,00 (six) for places with a fee, respectively lower than 7 (seven) for places financed from the budget of state, provided that none of the marks obtained in the competition tests is lower than 5,00 (five).
    (2) The general admission average for Romanian candidates is calculated with two decimal places, without rounding, according to the following formula:
    MA = (0,5 x M1 + 0,5 x M2) + Olympiad Bonus or FEAA National Contest Bonus
    MA = general admission average;
    M1 = grade obtained in the test of assessment of language skills and reasoning;
    M2 = general average of baccalaureate.
    The Olympics bonus (1 point) is awarded to all participants in the national phases of the economic school olympiads organized in grades IX-XII, without exceeding MA = 10.
    The bonus related to the national knowledge contest for students "FEAA ECONOMICA RIPENSIS" (1 point) organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in 2023 is awarded to participants in any section of the contest who obtained a grade greater than or equal to 8 ( eight), without exceeding MA = 10. A single bonus point is awarded to the admission average (without exceeding MA = 10), regardless of the number of participations of the candidates in the national phases of the school olympiads with an economic profile and/or the national knowledge contest for students "FEAA ECONOMICA RIPENSIS".
    (3) The tie in case of equality is made according to the following criteria, in order:
    1. note M1;
    2. note M2.
    (4) The classification of the candidates is made in the descending order of the averages obtained at the admission competition and within the limits of the places approved for each university study program.
    (5) The general average or the general scores obtained by the candidates in the admission competition are valid for the establishment of the classification order only within the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, according to the present regulation.
    (6) The ranking order resulting from the admission competition will also be used for the allocation of places financed from the state budget, which will go to the best-ranked eligible candidates, for each bachelor's degree program.
    (7) The general admission average for Romanian candidates from everywhere is calculated with two decimal places, without rounding, according to the following formula:

    MA = M1 + Olympiad bonus or FEAA ECONOMICA national competition bonus

    MA = general admission average;
    M1 = general average of baccalaureate.
    The Olympics bonus (1 point) is awarded to all participants in the national phases of the economic school olympiads organized in grades IX-XII, without exceeding MA = 10.
    The bonus for the national knowledge contest for students "FEAA ECONOMICA RIPENSIS" (1 point) organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in 2023 is awarded to participants in any section of the contest who obtained a grade greater than or equal to 8 ( eight), not exceeding MA = 10. A single bonus point is awarded to the admission average (not exceeding MA = 10), regardless of the number of candidates' participation in the national phases of the economic school Olympics and / or the national knowledge contest for students "FEAA ECONOMICA RIPENSIS".
    (8) The tie in case of equality is made according to the following criteria, in order:

    1. The marks in the baccalaureate exam tests, similarly equated, depending on the relevance of the subjects/examination tests for the field/university study program for which they are applying, established by the FEAA admissions committee.
    2. Average high school years.

    A bonus of 1 point to the general admission average is given to all participants in the national phases of the school olympiads with an economic profile, without exceeding the general admission average of 10. At the same time, a bonus of 1 point is given to participants in any section of the national competition of knowledge for "FEAA ECONOMICA RIPENSIS" students who obtained a grade greater than or equal to 8 (eight), organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in 2023, without exceeding the general admission average of 10. It is awarded a single bonus point to the admission average (without exceeding the general admission average 10), regardless of the number of participations of the candidates in the national phases of the school olympiads with an economic profile and/or in the national knowledge contest for students "FEAA ECONOMICA RIPENSIS" .

List of required documents
  1. ID card;
  2. Birth certificate;
  3. Marriage certificate - if applicable;
  4. Baccalaureate diploma or equivalent;

Candidates who passed the baccalaureate exam in the sessions corresponding to the 2022-2023 school year can upload to the admission platform and present at the collection points the documents necessary for the admission process from the UVT offices and from the county admission centers organized by the UVT, for the admission session immediately following the session in which they passed the baccalaureate exam from 2022, instead of the baccalaureate diploma, the certificate issued by the pre-university education unit in the original or a legalized copy, which mentions the general average from the baccalaureate exam, the grades obtained in the tests taken at this exam, the validity period and the fact that the diploma has not been issued.

  1. Medical certificate issued by the family doctor, not older than 90 days from the date of its presentation at the document collection office, certifying whether the candidate is fit to enroll in university studies and, if applicable, the conditions chronic conditions suffered by the candidate (neuropsychiatric, psycho-pathological, pulmonary, dermato-venereal, disability (type, degree), etc.). Specific learning disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, etc.) or any special educational requirements will be attested by a diagnostic certificate;
  2. Certificate certifying completion of another undergraduate university study program (completed or not at the time of submitting the file), in which the funding regime in which each year of study was completed (with funding from the state budget/with a fee) , if it is/was carried out at a state higher education institution in Romania) - if applicable.
Admission process calendar
  • Registration period

    Until 11.07.2023, 23:59

  • Date of display of preliminary results

    12.07.2023, 20:00 (on the page)

  • Date of the admission test (s) (day, hour)

    14.07.2023, 10:00 a.m. - language and reasoning skills assessment test

  • Deadline for certification of documents according to the original - July

    18.07.2023, 18:00

  • Date of results listing

    19.07.2023, 16:00 (on the page and on the website)

  • Filing appeals period

    19.07.2023 at 16:00 – 20.07.2023 at 16:00 (online at the email address;

  • Date of display of results after appeals

    20.07.2023, 22:00 (on the page and on the website)

  • Seats confirmation period

    20 - 26.07.2023, 10:00

  • Listing results after confirmations

    26.07.2023, 21:00, on the page and on the website)

  • Seats confirmation period (second stage of confirmations)

    27 - 28.07.2023, 12:00

  • Date of display of results after confirmations (second stage of confirmations)

    28.07.2023, 15:00 (on the page and on the website)

  • Final results listing

    28.07.2023, 21:00 (on the page and on the website)

Schedule of the admission process for the September session (valid if seats remain available after the first admission session)
  • September registration period

    Until 08.09.2023, 23:59

  • Date of posting of candidates registered in September

    09.09.2023, 16:00 (on the page)

  • Date of taking the admission test (s) September

    12.09.2023, 10:00 a.m. - language and reasoning skills assessment test

  • Deadline for certification of documents according to the original - September

    12.09.2023, 18:00

  • September results listing

    13.09.2023, 20:00 (on the page)

  • Appeals period

    13.09.2023, 20:00 – 14.09.2023, 20:00 (online at the email address

  • Display of results after September appeals

    14.09.2023, 22:00 (on the page and on the website)

  • September place confirmation period

    14 - 18.09.2023, 12:00

  • Listing results after confirmations

    18.09.2023, 21:00 (on the page and on the website)

  • September final results listing

    18.09.2023, 21:00